Suicide Attempt
Call 9-911 from an on-campus phone or 911 from a cell phone to report an emergency that requires immediate assistance from police and rescue personnel.
It is helpful to remain calm and avoid behaviors that may exacerbate the situation.
- Do not put yourself in danger of being harmed.
- Immediately call 9-911 from an on-campus phone or 911 from a cell phone if a person requires medical attention, if a person has a weapon, or if a person needs to be restrained.
- After you call 911, immediately call the Office of Public Safety at 401.865.2222 or press the emergency button on any Blue Light phone. The dispatcher will notify the appropriate campus administrators.
- Calm the suicidal person, if possible.
- Try to isolate the suicidal person from others.
- If safe to do so, stay with the person until intervention arrives. Do not leave a suicidal person alone unless you are in danger.
Emergency Procedures Guide
The Office of Public Safety
Open 24 hours, 7 days a week
Public Safety Building @ Huxley Avenue Gate
Phone (General): 401.865.2391 | Phone (Emergency): 401.865.2222
Fax: 401.865.1391