Shelter in Place or Lockdown
Call 9-911 from an on-campus phone or 911 from a cell phone to report an emergency that requires immediate assistance from police and rescue personnel.
Shelter In Place
In emergency situations where the risk is outside (e.g., severe weather or airborne toxin), it will be important to minimize exposure to the risk and to deliver information to the Providence College community quickly and efficiently. In these circumstances, a Shelter in Place order may be given.
Shelter In Place orders will be given by the FriarALERT Emergency Notification System. However, you may seek shelter and safety should you feel a situation warrants such action, then call the Office of public Safety at 401.865.2222 to report the incident and your location.
- Upon receiving the Shelter in Place alert, students, faculty, and staff who are outdoors should immediately enter the nearest building.
- If already indoors, remain in place and await further instructions by emergency officials.
- Faculty members who are conducting class should remain in their classroom, while monitoring information from emergency officials.
- Close and lock all doors and windows, turn off air conditioning or heating units where possible, and wait for further instruction. Stay away from windows and doors; if the room does not allow this, stay close to the floor and closest to walls with no windows or doors.
- Faculty and supervisors should assist in keeping order in classrooms, work areas, and public spaces.
- Stay inside until informed by emergency personnel it is safe to go outside or the “all-clear” is given.
The College will disseminate updated event information and actions to take to remain safe, to include the “all-clear” message when it is safe to exit buildings, through FriarALERT and the Providence College Emergency Notification System.
Emergency Lockdown
A lockdown may be preferable during situations such as the presence of a hostile or armed intruder inside a building. A lockdown requires locking doors and windows if possible, and barricading oneself to block entry to a campus facility, a classroom, or an office area.
The following are general lockdown procedures:
- Lock or barricade classroom doors.
- Close windows and window treatments.
- Turn off the lights.
- Instruct everyone to remain silent and not to go into hallways.
- Crouch down in areas out of sight from doors and windows to conceal yourself as much as possible.
- If the fire alarm sounds unexpectedly during a lockdown, do not evacuate the building unless:
- you have firsthand knowledge that there is a fire in the building
- you are in imminent danger
- you have been advised by emergency personnel to evacuate the building
- If you are in hallways during the emergency, seek shelter immediately in the nearest classroom or office area.
- If you are in outdoor areas, you should immediately take cover.