Safety Alert Communications
Emergency Notifications and Timely Warnings
The PC Safety Alert Communications System distributes two types of messages mandated by the Clery Act*: Emergency Notifications (branded as FriarALERT) and Timely Warnings. While the mechanisms of communication for both types may be similar, the messages themselves are different in nature. When an alert is sent through the PC Safety Alert Communications System, it will indicate whether it is a FriarALERT (Emergency Notification) or Timely Warning.
- An Emergency Notification is issued in the event of a significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on campus that involves an immediate threat to the health or safety of students, faculty, and staff. Emergency Notifications are brief messages that may include multiple notifications over time, providing information about the emergency and a call to action for recipients. They are sent when emergencies are happening in real-time.
- A Timely Warning is issued in the event of a serious or continuing threat to students, faculty, and staff that is reported to a Campus Security Authority. This type of message is different from an Emergency Notification as it provides detailed information about the crime. Typically, there is no follow-up messaging, and it includes information that may aid in the prevention of similar crimes.
Emergency Notifications and Timely Warnings are essential for two primary reasons:
- They keep the Providence College community aware of situations that could impact health and safety.
- They provide instructions and information on how to keep oneself and others safe. For Emergency Notifications, this call to action helps community members avoid dangerous situations and allows responding agencies and PC staff to address the emergency effectively. Timely Warnings aid in preventing similar incidents by providing pertinent information.
Emergency Notifications and Timely Warnings are distributed via text, email, phone and audible notifications (via the campus blue-light towers).
All members of the Providence College community (students, faculty and staff) are automatically included in the PC Emergency Notification (FriarAlert) messaging system. For instruction on updating contact information, community members can visit the FriarAlert Information page.
The PC Safety Alert Communications System is for PC faculty, staff, and students only. It is used to ensure that safety communications are sent to those members of our campus community who may need to take immediate safety precautions. All Safety Alert communications from the past 60 days are posted and publicly available on the Public Safety Emergency Notification, Timely Warning & Safety Advisory page.
Safety Advisories
The PC Safety Alert Communications System also distributes Safety Advisories, which are emailed messages sent to community members (students, faculty and staff) to provide situational awareness about incidents that may affect the college campus or nearby student housing areas that do not require an Emergency Notification or Timely Warning and are not mandated by the Clery Act.
Emergency Notification FAQs
What kind of incidents trigger an Emergency Notification?
Providence College will assess incidents that pose a dangerous situation or a significant emergency threatening the health or safety of the PC community. Examples of such incidents include, but are not limited to:
- An armed intruder
- An outbreak of a serious illness
- An approaching tornado, hurricane, or other extreme weather conditions
- Earthquake
- Gas leak
- Explosion
- Nearby chemical or hazardous waste spill
- Civil unrest or rioting
- Bomb threat
Who decides to send an emergency notification?
The decision to send an Emergency Notification varies depending on the type of emergency. For criminal emergencies, Public Safety will make the determination. For non-criminal emergencies, such as weather-related situations, Emergency Management takes responsibility. Other types of emergencies may involve collaboration between Environmental Health & Safety, Emergency Management, Public Safety, Public Affairs, and Student Affairs.
How long does it take for an Emergency Notification to be distributed?
Once an incident is reported, it must be confirmed. Confirmation can be carried out by a Public Safety officer or an Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) employee, based on reliable information or multiple verified reports. After confirmation, an Emergency Notification is sent immediately to ensure timely awareness and safety.
Why do I receive multiple Emergency Notifications about the same incident?
Emergencies are often fluid, meaning that information can evolve as situations develop. As such, multiple messages may be issued to keep the PC community informed with the latest information. At minimum, an initial emergency message and an all-clear message are provided.
Timely Warning FAQs
When would a timely warning be sent?
These messages are sent for incidents considered Clery crimes occurring on the Providence College campus:
- Criminal homicide (includes Murder, Non-negligent Manslaughter, and Negligent Manslaughter)
- Sexual assault, including Rape, Fondling, Incest, and Statutory Rape
- Robbery
- Aggravated assault
- Burglary
- Motor vehicle theft
- Arson
- Domestic Violence
- Dating Violence
- Stalking
- Arrests or referrals for disciplinary action for liquor law violations, drug law violations, and weapons law violations
- Hate crimes, including the following listed below, if such crime manifests evidence that the victim was intentionally selected because of the victim’s actual or perceived race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, ethnicity, or disability
- Crimes of larceny-theft, simple assault, intimidation, and destruction/damage/vandalism of property
This list is not exhaustive, and a Timely Warning may be distributed for other crimes or incidents as deemed necessary.
Who decides to send a timely warning?
Due to the nature of incidents that trigger a Timely Warning, the Chief/Associate Vice- President of Public Safety or the Clery Compliance officer will make the determination to send a Timely Warning.
How long does it take for a Timely Warning to be distributed?
Timely Warnings must be issued as soon as pertinent information is available. Once an incident meets the criteria for a Timely Warning, it is promptly assessed to determine if there is an ongoing threat to the Providence College community. If so, the Timely Warning is distributed.
Will I only receive one Timely Warning for an incident?
Generally, yes. Timely Warnings are single messages that contain all pertinent information about the incident, available resources, and preventative advice. If additional information arises or a significant change occurs, a follow-up message may be sent.
Safety Advisory FAQs
When would a Safety Advisory be sent?
Safety Advisories are sent when Public Safety becomes aware of information that is relevant to the campus community’s situational awareness knowledge and understanding. They are shared to help ensure the ongoing safety of the campus community. Safety Advisories help increase the college community’s awareness of significant or dangerous incidents that may have happened on-campus or in the surrounding off-campus geography, but did not meet the standard of a Clery-mandated Emergency Notification or Timely Warning. Not all off-campus incidents will trigger a Safety Advisory.
Who decides to send a Safety Advisory?
The Chief/Associate Vice- President of Public Safety will make the determination to send a Safety Advisory.
How long does it take for a Safety Advisory to be distributed?
Safety Advisories are not time-sensitive communications, they are meant for information sharing only. They are shared by the Office of Public Safety once information has been confirmed and verified and after a determination has been made that the information would be beneficial to the campus community.
For questions, comments, or concerns regarding the PC Safety Alert Communications System, please feel free to reach out to the Chief of Public Safety or the Clery Compliance Officer at Providence College at
*All institutions of higher education that receive federal financial aid (Title IV) are mandated under the Clery Act to report statistics on specific crimes occurring on or near college campuses. This includes providing safety and crime information to campus community members. The Clery Act promotes transparency, ensuring that schools inform employees, students, parents, and prospective students of any crimes occurring on or around campuses, enabling informed decisions about personal and public safety.
Contact Us
Office of Public Safety
Public Safety Building @ Huxley Avenue Gate
Open 24 hours, 7 days a week
Phone (General): 401.865.2391
Phone (Emergency): 401.865.2222
Fax: 401.865.1391
Silent Witness Anonymous Crime Reporting*: Silent Witness Online Form
*For an emergency needing an immediate response call 401.865.2222 or 911
Confidential Resources
Personal Counseling Center
Phone: 401.865.2343 (24/7)
Chaplain/Campus Ministry
Phone (M– F 8:30 am to 4:30 pm): 401.865.2216