Emergency Management
Located within the Office of Public Safety, the Department of Emergency Management (in coordination with local, state, and federal authorities) provides emergency management operations to the Providence College community through emergency response education and participation in training exercises that enhance crisis response knowledge and skills. Emergency Management oversees the prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery activities that protect life, property, and the environment from all man-made and natural threats and disasters that impact the campus community and its neighbors.
Reporting an Emergency
The College’s Office of Public Safety is open and operational 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Blue Light phones and security cameras are located strategically across campus. This equipment is monitored 24 hours a day by security staff.
If you discover an emergency on campus, you can report it in several ways. In all cases, the caller should be prepared to provide their name and describe the emergency and its location.
- Dial 2222 from a campus phone or 401-865-2222 from a cell phone to report the emergency to the Office of Public Safety.
- You also can report an emergency by pressing the emergency button on any Blue Light phone.
- Dial 911
Emergency Blue Lights & AEDS
Blue light emergency phones and automated external defibrillators (AEDs) are available throughout campus. To view locations, please use the online campus map, “clear” all location selections, and then scroll down and select “Safety & Security”. The blue lights are represented by the blue icons and the AEDs by the green icons.
The Office of Public Safety
Open 24 hours, 7 days a week
Public Safety Building @ Huxley Avenue Gate
Phone (General): 401.865.2391 | Phone (Emergency): 401.865.2222
Fax: 401.865.1391
Michael Moricas
Director of Emergency Management
Harkins 112